Source:chinese lawyer Time:2023-05-03 Click:
Civil Complaint
Plaintiff: [Name], male/female, born on [Date], [ethnicity], [occupation or job title], residing at [address]. Contact information: [contact details].
Legal representative/appointed representative: [Name], [relationship to plaintiff].
Attorney for the plaintiff: [Name], [law firm or organization].
Defendant: [Name], [occupation or job title], [address].
(Above, provide the basic information of the parties involved and other litigation participants)
Facts and reasons:
Evidence and sources, names and addresses of witnesses:
[Name of the plaintiff]
Enclosure: [Number] copies of the complaint
[Signature of the plaintiff]
Date: [Date], [Year]
Law office of Lawyer Zhang Xue Hua
Address: 8/F, Emperor Group Centre,
No.12D,Jianwai Avenue, Chaoyang District,
Beijing, 100022, P.R.China
Lawyer Zhang Xue Hua
Phone: +86 138 1066 1055
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