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Application for Property Preservation

Source:chinese lawyer    Time:2023-05-03    Click:

Applicant: XXX, male/female, born on XXXX-XX-XX, of XXX ethnicity, currently employed as a (state job title or profession), residing at (address). Contact information: (phone number/email address).

Legal representative/appointed agent: XXX, (relationship to the applicant, such as parent or lawyer).

Attorney appointed by the applicant: XXX, (law firm or personal information).

Respondent: XXX, (name and relevant information).


(The above includes basic information such as the names or titles of the parties involved.)

Requested relief:

To seal/impound/freeze (the property to be preserved) of the respondent XXX, including but not limited to (the name, nature, quantity, amount, and location of the property to be preserved), for a period of (the length of the preservation period in years/months/days).

Facts and reasons:

In the case of (case number) (name the parties and cause of action), (describe the facts and reasons for requesting property preservation).

The applicant provides (the name, nature, quantity, amount, and location of the collateral property) as collateral.


People's Court of XXX

Applicant (signature or seal)


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Address: 8/F, Emperor Group Centre,
No.12D,Jianwai Avenue, Chaoyang District,
Beijing, 100022, P.R.China
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Phone: +86 138 1066 1055

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